Our hospital to home care packages enable you to return to your own home following a hospital admission, operation, treatment or an ongoing health condition. Recovering at home, in familiar surroundings can often speed up recovery time following discharge from hospital.
Typically, hospital discharge can only take place once the right care is in place and we are here to ensure that you are able to return to the comfort of your own home as soon as possible.
During your recovery, we will provide an experienced care team that can provide varying levels of care package whether that be a Registered Nurse or Care Support Worker.
Our team will work closely with you, your family and other healthcare professionals involved to ensure you are able to enjoy a safe and prompt return to the familiarity of your own home. Our lead nurse will carry out an assessment of your needs in the hospital and/or upon your return home during which we will discuss and agree how you wish to be supported at home. This often involves us working closely with the Discharge Team, Occupational Therapists, Social Services, GP's and District Nurses and other healthcare professionals.
Paterson Health & Social Care are experienced in providing care at home packages for people with varying needs. These include but are not limited to:-
Support for people with learning disabilities
24 hour live in care
Hospital to home care
Full time personal homecare
Nursing care.
If you would like more information on support following a hospital stay, please call our experienced care team to discuss your needs - 01869 325530.